My prayers go out to those in Ian’s Path

Immense prayers go out to all in Ian’s path.

Surprises and challenges

Good Evening, today I had a shock. I got a call my travel trailer will be in soon and what time to pick hm up. Then I looked at my credit report. It was very good but a new credit card was added with late payments and it was my dead husbands! The yearly feeContinue reading “Surprises and challenges”

Passing Time

In 8 days it’s a year that my life changed in a flash. I’m making changes and I’m excited about it. My German Shepherd is my companion from sunup to sunset. We are moving on. I can’t wait to get back to my music and writing.


The kindness people have shown me is so amazing. I want to thank everyone and say, I love you too. The love and kindness is powerful in our lives. We need to show that to others every day all of the time❤️