Michele’s Daily Blog 4/15/21

Another delightful sunny day in the northwest. Here is a photo of my Anatolian puppy eating his frozen yogurt treat. I should be practicing my music, but it’s so nice to be outside after the dark winter. I have added approximately 10 more pages to my new dragon book. I’m having fun writing it. We are so fortunate to be living in America, I love my country. If you have the opportunity, I encourage listening to the two videos I put links up for today. It’s a great awakening, that brought me peace. Have a great day. Michele

Michele’s Daily Blog 4/14/21

Our first warm, beautiful day of the year today. I sat out under our Locus trees with my dogs and I even invited my Mom to join me. We sipped ice tea, I managed to get her a ton of audiobooks in her library, so she can listen to stories when alone. I looked around and my German Shepherd was missing. I finally spotted her taking a stroll down a side street to our farm. I was frantic to get her to cross the pasture and return, but she ignored me by walking along the side of road, onto a busy rode, but still on the side until I scurried her into the front gate, scolding her. She is my heart and I would be devastated to lose her. Then my Anatolian puppy decided to dig into the center of the earth, I had to remind him not to dig. All in all it was a delightful day. I was even happier to see my ads on a certain social network were restored as well. My blog with a quote from Seuss got me banned for 30 days until I pleaded my case. Have a great night, I’ll be back tomorrow.

Michele’s Morning Blog 4/13/21

I am sitting by the fire to take off the early morning chill, sipping my tea, listening to pan flute music, and pondering my day. The sun is out and it’s promising to be a warmer day than we have had so far in the northwest. My horse has her jacket off and she is dozing in the pasture with a full belly of grain and alfalfa. My characters are staring at me as I have laid them out to see where my story will go. My puppy is watching me, hoping for a run in the pasture. He has already been out, so he will patiently await my break. Have a nice day, take some time for yourself today, and remember to breathe.

Michele’s Monday Night Blog Post

A quote from Dr. Seuss, “Love the people that treat you right, forget the ones that don’t’ and believe everything happens for a reason. If you get the chance, take it. If it changes your life, let it. Nobody said it would be easy, they just promised it would be worth it.” A perfect bit of advice for our times. Good Night. ❤️

Michele’s Saturday Blog 4/10/21

I am trying to find solace in my life with our current situation in America. So, so I am reading, “Abandonment to Divine Providence” written by Jean-Pierre De Caussade.
A quick quote: What does Father Jean-Pierre de Caussade mean by the phrase, “abandonment to Divine Providence?” He means a total surrender or release of oneself to the Providence of God, like a child jumping into his daddy’s arms without fear, without concern, and with perfect trust. We all have certain stations in life, just like actors have certain roles to play in a performance.

So, this will be a great read for our time. I have been procrastinating finishing the book I am writing. I plan on starting to add more to it this coming week. My Jackie Lee is insisting on a new adventure as well as my new series with Jessie and Harley.

I hope everyone had a restful Easter week, it’s time to get busy and be Patriots. I would like to know what you would like to hear on my blogs and podcasts. Just leave a comment below. Have a great weekend and I will be back soon.