
My boy is 3 now.

The Russian Spy

The missing plane almost 10 years ago with scientists on board that disappeared.


I have another Sophia and the dragons done. I need to publish it. I have a sequel too.Plus I have a new series of Jessie Skywalker.

Jessie Skywalker and the Shadow Wolves

Jessie Skywalker and the Shadow Wolves Book 1 Jessie couldn’t stop thinking about the family meeting that morning before work.  Jessie and Harley, her German Shepherd, parked outside her family’s log home and walked inside. Her parents and two brother’s were sitting in front of the fireplace having coffee. Her Mom was just dishing upContinue reading “Jessie Skywalker and the Shadow Wolves”

On The Road Again

Living your dream

It’s hard after living a heartbreak song and trying to heal to move on. Tomorrow my dogs, parrot, and I are trying that. we are getting this on Saturday. Zoom zoom. Travel.

Check out my new YouTube channel


Finding my way

It’s such a struggle moving along after so much tragedy happens. I start thinking I can start writing and playing music again but no. Extreme worry overtakes me. I have tried to start a fun YouTube channel to help me, The Gumshoe Mystery Reporter, I’m not sure if I’m doing a show of travel onContinue reading “Finding my way”

Getting my life back

Tomorrow starts the new beginning of the rest of my life. I need to stay positive. It’s been a long journey to reach where I am. I have a new YouTube channel, The Gumshoe Mystery Reporter. I have some shorts out. A travel video soon.

The Gumshoe Mystery Reporter

Check out some of my books. Sophia and the Dragon is on audio but I can’t publish it because of a quirk with Amazon. 🤷‍♀️

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