An Irish Tale

A long time ago a visit to Ireland I encountered many taps on my left shoulder. My family laughed. No one was tapping me. Who was it then?

Living your dream

It’s hard after living a heartbreak song and trying to heal to move on. Tomorrow my dogs, parrot, and I are trying that. we are getting this on Saturday. Zoom zoom. Travel.

Finding my way

It’s such a struggle moving along after so much tragedy happens. I start thinking I can start writing and playing music again but no. Extreme worry overtakes me. I have tried to start a fun YouTube channel to help me, The Gumshoe Mystery Reporter, I’m not sure if I’m doing a show of travel onContinue reading “Finding my way”

Getting my life back

Tomorrow starts the new beginning of the rest of my life. I need to stay positive. It’s been a long journey to reach where I am. I have a new YouTube channel, The Gumshoe Mystery Reporter. I have some shorts out. A travel video soon.

A day in Canada

I decided to go shopping for groceries in a town 10 minutes from me instead of a town on the USA 45 minutes away. Plus groceries were so much cheaper! I bought tons of meat, salmon, cleaning supplies for 120 US dollars. A whole side of salmon and Ahi steaks, chicken breasts, 2 pounds ofContinue reading “A day in Canada”

The Gumshoe Mystery Reporter

Check out some of my books. Sophia and the Dragon is on audio but I can’t publish it because of a quirk with Amazon. 🤷‍♀️

Starting over

Finally, I sold my house only to have a freak accident that put me into Harbor View, a trama hospital. The place I bought my camper from running my credit 120 times bringing down my score, to pay off my camper and buy one of their expensive RV’s. So I’m out, I got an RVContinue reading “Starting over”